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<TITLE>Correct values of Persistent and BestEffort</TITLE>
<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">$TOP/idl/COS/CosNotification.idl:</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> const string EventReliability = "EventReliability";</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> const short BestEffort = 0;</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> const short Persistent = 1;</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> const string ConnectionReliability = "ConnectionReliability";</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> // Can take on the same values as EventReliability</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> const string Priority = "Priority";</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> const short LowestPriority = -32767;</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> const short HighestPriority = 32767;</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> const short DefaultPriority = 0;</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">$TOP/build/src/services/mklib/CosNotification.hh (after make veryclean; make)</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> _CORBA_MODULE_VAR _core_attr const char * EventReliability;</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> _CORBA_MODULE_VARINT const CORBA::Short BestEffort _init_in_decl_( = 0 );</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> _CORBA_MODULE_VARINT const CORA::Short Persistent _init_in_decl_( = 0 );</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> _CORBA_MODULE_VAR _core_attr const char * ConnectionReliability;</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> _CORBA_MODULE_VAR _core_attr const char * Priority;</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> _CORBA_MODULE_VARINT const CORBA::Short LowestPriority _init_in_decl_( = 0 );</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> _CORBA_MODULE_VARINT const CORBA::Short HighestPriority _init_in_decl_( = 0 );</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Courier New"> _CORBA_MODULE_VARINT const CORBA::Short DefaultPriority _init_in_decl_( = 0 );</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">I need to use the Persistent and BestEffort values frequently in my code. </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">How can I be sure to use the correct values?</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">Should I be worried? </FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">Best regards</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">Petri Tötterman</FONT>