Can somebody please tell me how to implement polymorphism using Corba?<br>
I am modifying an application and making it distributed.<br>
I have 3 classes with a boolean method called is_able().<br>
The abstract base class is called base_Check. This class is inherited by First_Check and Last_Check.<br>
A list is created using stl list<base_Check*> mlist which contains First_Check objects and Last_Check objects.<br>
These objects are called in the program using *(iterator_var)->is_able().<br>
I haven't got a clue as to how this would be implemented in IDL.<br>
I tried using inheritance but I get:-<br>
Declaration of operation 'is_able' clashes with inherited operation 'is_able'<br>
So maybe I'm on the wrong track?<br>