Hello<br><br>I have two proccess working each one as server of the other one. <br><br>Normally, both of them can access each other, but if I start process A when its TCP connection is not working (I dissconnect it on porpouse to probe its behaivour) Process A gets the services of proccess B, but Process B doesn't get the services of A.
<br><br>If I disconnect the TCP connection of the PC in which proccess B runs, both of them can get the services of the other.<br><br>Is there some way to know if proccess A is not offering its services or if process B is not getting the reference? I have estructure the code in both of them in the same way, so I don't know why the result is different if I disconnect one or the other.
<br><br>In omninames log, it is the process B the one who gets a COMM_FAILURE when calling an A service, and A its getting B services at the same time without exceptions.<br><br><br>Thanks<br>