<div dir="rtl"><div style="text-align: left;">Hello,<br>I encountered an interoperability issue, and I was wandering if anyone can help.<br>I using omniORBpy 3.2 (windows XP), trying to connect to Visibroker 8.0 server.<br>
<br>I get a marshal error on response, I tried several initialization options, but none solved the issue.<br>this is the output:<br>-----<br>['-ORBtraceLevel', '5', '-ORBuseTypeCodeIndirections', '0', '-ORBstrictIIOP', '0', '-ORBlcdMode', '1']<br>
omniORB: Configuration file "C:\OMNIORB.CFG" either does not exist or is not a file. No settings rea<br>d.<br>omniORB: Version: 4.1.4<br>omniORB: Distribution date: Sun Jul 19 18:35:23 BST 2009 dgrisby<br>omniORB: Warning: unable to create an IPv6 socket. Unable to obtain the list of IPv6 interface addre<br>
sses (10047).<br>omniORB: Information: the omniDynamic library is not linked.<br>omniORB: omniORBpy distribution date: Thu Jul 16 16:16:19 BST 2009 dgrisby<br><CosNaming._objref_NamingContextExt instance at 0x00EA6558><br>
==== Start ======<br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "D:\workspace\pyCorbaTest\corba.py", line 145, in <module><br> tester.DOgetCustomerByID()<br> File "D:\workspace\pyCorbaTest\corba.py", line 104, in DOgetCustomerByID<br>
RC = servantObject.GetCustomerById(Hconnect,ExternalId)<br> File "D:\workspace\pyCorbaTest\CustomerMaintenance_idl.py", line 468, in GetCustomerById<br> return _omnipy.invoke(self, "GetCustomerById", _0__GlobalIDL.CorbaCustomerMaintenance._d_GetCust<br>
omerById, args)<br>omniORB.CORBA.MARSHAL: CORBA.MARSHAL(omniORB.MARSHAL_InvalidIndirection, CORBA.COMPLETED_YES)<br>---- <br><br>The response type is a e sequence in the following format:<br> <br>struct TupleItem {<br> string sName;<br>
any aValue;<br> };<br> typedef sequence<TupleItem> Tuple;<br><br>any idea on how to solve the problem, or next steps for finding the problem will be welcomed.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Ilan <br></div></div>