<span style>Hi,</span><br style><br style><span style>I have idea to dispatch requests from my DispatcherServer to Server-s that will process that requests. DispatcherServer and Server have the same interfaces but in implementation of DispatcherServer functions is logic for deciding on witch Server to forward request using LOCATION_FORWARD(Server_ref, false). Problem is that when I throw LOCATION_FORWARD client that invoked function on DispatcherServer don't use reference of DisatcherServer any more (in next function calls) but reference that is supplied in LOCATION_FORWARD exception. That means that DispatcherServer is bypassed in this communication. What should I do to make Client always call functions on reference of DispatcherServer?</span><br style>
<br style><span style>Best regards,</span><div style>Zoran Djekic</div>