Hello<br />Thank you for that help (however I was a bit confused when I see 8 (eight!!!) diffrent command prompts in Visual Studio start folder).<br /><br />But I got other error. Problem was with Python. It seems to me that it don't compile with Cygwin version of Python 2.7. So I installed pure windows 64bit version. But I have got unresolved externals (conflict 64bit library with 32bit target - is omniorb only 32bit???). <br />I have installed 32bit version of Python in C:\Program Files (x86)\python27 but it fail again with compilation. I have added path to:<br />C:\!-pro\lib\omniORB-4.2.0\mk\platforms\x86_win32_vs_10.mk<br />PYTHON = /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/python27/python.exe<br />But it not works, I must uninstall python and select other directory when I install it again. And it compile abit more. But again fail. Please help me. Now I don't know what to do with this error:<br /><br />../../../../bin/x86_win32/clwrapper -gnuwin32 -c -O2 -MT -EHs -GS -GR -Zi -nologo -D_WINSTATIC -I.. -I./.. -I../../../../include/omniORB4/internal -DUSE_omniORB_logStream -D_OMNIORB_LIBRARY -DOMNIORB_VERSION_STRING='"4.2.0"' -DOMNIORB_VERSION_HEX='0x040200F0' -DCONFIG_DEFAULT_LOCATION='"C:\\OMNIORB.CFG"' -DCONFIG_ENV='"OMNIORB_CONFIG"' -D"NTArchitecture" -I. -I. -I../../../../include -D__WIN32__ -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -D__x86__ -D__NT__ -D__OSVERSION__=4 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE=1 -Fostatic/corbaOrb.o -Fdstatic\\omniORB4.pdb corbaOrb.cc<br />cl -c -O2 -MT -EHs -GS -GR -Zi -nologo -D_WINSTATIC -I.. -I.\.. -I..\..\..\..\include\omniORB4\internal -DUSE_omniORB_logStream -D_OMNIORB_LIBRARY -DOMNIORB_VERSION_STRING=\"4.2.0\" -DOMNIORB_VERSION_HEX=0x040200F0 -DCONFIG_DEFAULT_LOCATION=\"C:\\OMNIORB.CFG\" -DCONFIG_ENV=\"OMNIORB_CONFIG\" -DNTArchitecture -I. -I. -I..\..\..\..\include -D__WIN32__ -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -D__x86__ -D__NT__ -D__OSVERSION__=4 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE=1 -Fostatic\corbaOrb.o -Fdstatic\omniORB4.pdb -TpcorbaOrb.cc<br />corbaOrb.cc<br />corbaOrb.cc(947): error C3688: invalid literal suffix 'ORB_ID_STRING'; literal operator or literal operator template 'operator ""ORB_ID_STRING' not found<br />corbaOrb.cc(947): error C2661: 'omni::orbOptions::Handler::Handler': no overloaded function takes 3 arguments<br />corbaOrb.cc(953): error C3688: invalid literal suffix 'ORB_ID_STRING'; literal operator or literal operator template 'operator ""ORB_ID_STRING' not found<br />corbaOrb.cc(953): error C2440: '<function-style-cast>': cannot convert from 'initializer list' to 'omni::orbOptions::BadParam'<br />corbaOrb.cc(953): note: No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous<br />../../../../mk/win32.mk:444: recipe for target 'static/corbaOrb.o' failed<br />make[3]: *** [static/corbaOrb.o] Error 2<br />make[3]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/!-pro/lib/omniORB-4.2.0/src/lib/omniORB/orbcore'<br />dir.mk:77: recipe for target 'export' failed<br />make[2]: *** [export] Error 1<br />make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/!-pro/lib/omniORB-4.2.0/src/lib/omniORB'<br />dir.mk:7: recipe for target 'export' failed<br />make[1]: *** [export] Error 1<br />make[1]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/!-pro/lib/omniORB-4.2.0/src/lib'<br />dir.mk:26: recipe for target 'export' failed<br />make: *** [export] Error 1<br /><br /><br />regards<br />Szyk Cech<br /><br /><br /><br />Dnia 11 sierpnia 2015 13:30 Johnny Willemsen <jwillemsen@remedy.nl> napisał(a):<br /><br />
<blockquote style="font-size: 12px; padding-left: 1em; margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 0px; border-left: #ccc 2px solid;">
<div id="msg">
<div id="msg-body">Hi,
<div> </div>
<div>Try to first open a visual studio command prompt and then compile in this cmd, that should set all needed visual studio needed environment variables</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Johnny Willemsen</div>
<div><a href="http://www.theaceorb.nl" target="_blank">http://www.theaceorb.nl</a> </div>