[omniNotify] Using omniNotify without creating endpoints

Mark Zimmerman markzimm at frii.com
Fri May 14 11:48:35 BST 2004


I have a small program that does nothing but post a single message to
the omniNotify notification channel (from a push_supplier) and exit.
It works fine with a default configuration but I am trying to
understand why it insists on creating and serving incoming endpoints.
Unless I misunderstand the meaning of an incoming endpoint, it seems
to me that it doesn't need one.

However, when I include 'endPointNoListen = giop:tcp::' in the
configuration, it fails:

omniORB: Initialising incoming endpoints.
omniORB: Error: Unable to create an endpoint of this description: giop:tcp::
omniORB: throw INITIALIZE from objectAdapter.cc:245 (NO,INITIALIZE_TransportError)

With endPointNoListen excluded, the program works but the endpoints
are never used (I think). I have set 'serverTransportRule = * none'
which, I believe, will prevent them from accepting connections.

Is there something in omniNotify that requires endpoint creation in
this context? Is there a way to avoid this?

-- Mark

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