[omniNotify] Occasional notifd crash

Raschick hartmut.raschick at keymile.com
Thu Dec 14 14:04:27 GMT 2006

Hi Mark,
I don't know if this helps (well it _looks_ different admittedly), we have identified two issues
with omniNotify under Sol9 to date:
1. Two dirs needed for include directives (from omniORB) appear to be reversed.
   This is in omniNotify/mkattlib/dir.mk from the distro.
2. Code (to be used in a shared library) declares static variables which are initialized from static
   variables from another shared library; this makes initilization depend on lib init order (of shared
   libs - by the OS); the existing code works for Linux and, say, HP-UX, but not for Solaris.
   HOWEVER, in a normal build this should not matter, as that is an -O2 build and everything gets
   optimized (away) AFAICT. I only realized that when doing a "-g -O0" build. I, personally, still
   think such things are bad though. From the two options to solve the problem
   a) using a #define
   b) providing an accessor for for the initial data
   I chose - guess - the #define, not the least because b) would have meant changing the IDL
   compiler (it's the lucky type codes which are wanted).
   (n.b.: some other code in omniORB somewhere uses a thing like a "client" side accessor func
    in the style of:
    Foo getFoo(void) {
      if (foo == 0) {
        foo = theRealSourceOfFoo;
      return foo;
    which also uses the fact that when the code is needed the first time init of all libs will for
    sure be done on any OS; was to complicated for me either)
    This is in omniNotify/lib/CosNotification.cc from the distro.
Have a look at the attachment. If it helps - good, if not - well, didn't hurt to post it anyway,
maybe someone from omni* can have a look... Duncan...


P.S.: 'You oughtn't yield to temptation.' 'Well, somebody must, or the thing becomes absurd,' said I.
        - Antony Hope (1863-1933), Dolly Dialogues, 1894

Hartmut "Hardy" Raschick / R&D Network Management
Wohlenberstr. 3, 30179 Hannover
Phone: ++49 (0)511 6747-564
Fax: ++49 (0)511 6747-777
e-Mail: hartmut.raschick at keymile.com
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