[omniORB-dev] Compile omniORB in VStudio .NET 2003

Kelvin Lam kelvlam at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 6 20:07:54 BST 2004


I'm new to omniORB development.  I haven't found any FAQ or help in setting
up development environment in Windows XP on the mailing list.  So I hope I'm
not asking a question that have already been answered.

I have downloaded the complete package of omniORB as well as Cygwin.  I am
having trouble to understand the mk file.  I can't find any Visual Studio
specific project file, or workspace.  I would assume I have to manually
craft them up.  Can someone give me some help or tips as of, what do I need
and where they are located at?  All I need is single-thread omniORB to begin
with.  If I get that to compile and work, then I might venture into
mutlithread mode omniORB.

Much appreciate for any help that anyone can provide.


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