[omniORB-dev] Multiple problems in OO 4.0.5 handling GIOP CloseConnection messages

Duncan Grisby duncan at grisby.org
Tue Apr 12 12:00:38 BST 2005

On Friday 8 April, Jonathan Biggar wrote:

> I have an omniORB server that needs to handle massive numbers of
> clients, so it aggressively uses inConScanPeriod and outConScanPeriod
> (since it is a client as well) to manage its connections.  I've run
> into a couple of issues with handling of the CloseConnection messages
> that are generated by the server.
> I've enclosed a large patch that fixes several issues:

Thanks. I've integrated your patch, and the other one with SSL shutdown.



 -- Duncan Grisby         --
  -- duncan at grisby.org     --
   -- http://www.grisby.org --

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