Fix: omniidl2 generates bad code for user exceptions
Juergen Keil
Wed, 6 Aug 1997 18:30:21 +0200
After adding the #pragma prefix "" line to Naming.idl, so that
omniORB can talk to the JavaIDL nameserver, I had some problems with
the echo/eg3_impl example. It ran fine when eg3_impl was started for
the first time, but after killing eg3_impl and running if for a second
time it always crashed with a system exception.
When running eg3_impl for the second time, the object is still bound on
the nameserver from a previous invocation and the bind method
invocation should get a CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound
exception, so that eg3_impl tries to rebind the object instead. But
instead of the AlreadyBound exception, a CORBA::MARSHAL exception occurs!
The problem is caused by omniidl2, which generates bad code for the
proxy stubs when user exceptions have to be handled: The length of the
longest repository id for all exceptions that can occur (the 49 in the
code below) is mis-calculated. Here's the relevant code from, generated for Naming.idl with the added
#pragma prefix "" line:
CORBA::Char _excId[49];
CORBA::ULong _len;
_len <<= _c;
if (_len > 49) {
else {
Since ``'' has a length
of 53 bytes (including the terminating \0) the AlreadyBound exception
cannot be processed by the proxy stubs because the local _excId buffer
is to small and a CORBA::MARSHAL exception is thrown instead.
The bogus number 49 is calculated by omniidl2 as the maximum of all
excpt->repoIdConstLen() for all exceptions that can occur, but
excpt->repoIdConstLen() returns the length of the pre-processor macro (!)
that contains the repository id for the exception (aka
The following patch to omniidl2 fixes the problem:
diff -rc3 omniORB_2.2.0-orig/src/tool/omniidl2/omniORB2_be/ omniORB_2.2.0/src/tool/omniidl2/omniORB2_be/
*** omniORB_2.2.0-orig/src/tool/omniidl2/omniORB2_be/ Tue May 6 15:54:52 1997
--- omniORB_2.2.0/src/tool/omniidl2/omniORB2_be/ Wed Aug 6 17:18:06 1997
*** 45,51 ****
pd_repoid = new char[strlen(_fqname())+strlen(IRREPOID_POSTFIX)+1];
! pd_repoidsize = strlen(pd_repoid)+1;
--- 45,51 ----
pd_repoid = new char[strlen(_fqname())+strlen(IRREPOID_POSTFIX)+1];
! pd_repoidsize = strlen(repositoryID()) + 1;
Juergen Keil ...!{uunet,mcsun}!unido!tools!jk