Q: Server activation policy

Brian Calves bcalves@slac.com
Sat, 7 Jun 1997 14:49:41 -0400


Yet another CORBA newbie here.  I was just attempting to write
my first CORBA app.  It involves creating a factory class and
adding it to the name service.  Clients can then connect to the
name service, get a reference to the factory, and request that
the factory instantiate a server object for the client.

When the factory returns the dynamically created server object,
and the client invokes a method on it, I get a system exception.
(The factory successfully invokes methods on the server object
before returning it).

After a lot of attempted debugging, it occured to me that this
is due to the limitation that "The BOA only supports the
persistent server activation policy." Is this my problem, or is
there just a bug running amok in my code?
