Java ORB to omniORB?

Eoin Carroll
Wed, 25 Jun 1997 13:47:52 +0100 (BST)

> Hello you "omniORBers"
> I am trying to connect JavaIDL ORB by JavaSoft to omniORB with its naming.
> But there is still a problem.
> My question:
> Are there any experiences how that works and how it can be done?
> Are there any hints or examples.
> Is there another free Java ORB that does better work with omniORB?
> Every hint or remark is very precious to me. Thank you.

Some ORBs (e.g. HP ORB+, JavaIDL) supply a COS Naming IDL that uses the 
#pragma prefix "" preprocessor directive. The COS Naming IDL used in 
omniORB doesn't contain this directive. To get omniNames to interoperate with 
these ORBs, add the following line to the beginning of the file 
<omniORB home>/src/lib/omniORB2/Naming.idl :

#pragma prefix ""

and re-compile omniORB.

Note that the new omniNames won't be able to read the data file produced by
the original omniNames. In the Win32 version, it will also be necessary to 
add the workarounds for Visual C++ bugs to the stubs. The workarounds are
documented in the file README.win32 . The stubs should also be renamed to
Naming_NT.hh and .

A number of people have reported success in getting omniORB (including 
omniNames) and JavaIDL to interoperate.


Eoin Carroll                           
Research Engineer
Olivetti & Oracle Research Labs
Cambridge, UK