how to identify clients

Renzo Tomaselli
Thu, 2 Oct 1997 13:00:22 +0100

	in order to setup a locking scheme I need to safely distinguish clients
within an object implementation. By "clients" I generally mean client
threads (same or different applications); and off course I'm referring to
transparent (e.g. implicit or automatic, no extra method parameter)
I remember a message from Sai Sai Lo clarifying threads usage in OmniORB:
as far as I understand client threads try to multiplex the same connection,
e.g. the same server thread. So I cannot use server thread identification
to identify the calling thread.
Any help (even tricky internals) ?
		Renzo Tomaselli      
TecnoTP s.n.c. Special Information System Design
Maso Pelauchi I38050 Ronchi Valsugana,  Trento TN  ITALY
Tel. +39 461 773164      Fax. +39 461 773180