Jörg Narr
Fri, 10 Oct 1997 12:23:23 +0200
Hi experts,
since nobody has any problems out there I hope you are happy to see
that at least I have a problem:
I use the following IDL-Code:
interface CORBAMSG_ValueDef
struct attributes
string slotname;
long flag;
string value;
string state;
typedef sequence <attributes> attributes_seq;
oneway void update (in attributes_seq as);
And the following code for initializing and sending the Message:
CORBAMSG_ValueDef::attributes_seq_var asv; // in a
Header-File Class CorbaWrapper
asv = new CORBAMSG_ValueDef::attributes_seq; // in the
Constructur of the C++-File of CorbaWrapper (I have also tried the
// constructor,
but it doesn't work, too.)
asv->length(5); // In a method
"eingabe" that is input of CorbaWrapper
asv[0].slotname = (const char*) "Slotname"; // I have even
tried CORBA::string_dup("Slotname");
asv[0].flag = 120L;
asv[0].value = (const char*) "Value";
asv[0].state = (const char*) "State";
I got a valid Object-Reference, at least CORBA::is_nil(ref) gives back
As soon as I use ref->update(asv) though I get a segmentation fault -
core dump.
This only happens when asv->length isn't set to 1. As long as it is set
to 1 it works fine.
I would appreciate any help since I am getting crazy about this.
Kind regards,