[omniORB] JavaIDL and omniORB2

Jörg Narr jnarr@Comsys.DoFN.DE
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 07:51:45 +0000

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Dear experts,

firstly I would like to thank you for the advice you gave to me.

I thought I give the newly released JDK 1.2beta3 a try since it
has the Corba packages built in. I just have one small problem:



Ben Harris says that idltojava is pretty useless with omniORB
whilst under


he explains how omniORB and javaIDL are working together.

The first URL is newer, so I suppose that the latter doesn't work
properly yet?

If there would be a chance to get them working what would be
the most easy way to contact omniNames - connect to the host
and read the file omniORB.cfg? To be honest I didn't properly
understand the description how to make them work together

Thank you again,


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