[omniORB] Calling omniORB from Visual Basic...

Ole Storm storm@ifad.dk
Thu, 03 Dec 1998 15:48:23 +0100

Greetings omniORB'ers

I would like to be able to call a Corba object from Visual Basic. I am aware
that one way to achieve this would be to "wrap" my Corba object in a COM
interface, but I think it would take me too long to do this...

What I would like to do in stead is the following:

Write a C++ DLL that makes the appropriate calls to the ORB and the Corba
object, and then access this DLL from VB.

I have managed writing a simple DLL, and it is actually possible to call its
exported functions from VB. However, when I try to make a omniORB specific
call in the DLL things start to go wrong. For instance I will initialize the
ORB and the BOA in the DllMain like this:

                      DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, 
                      LPVOID lpReserved)
  int dummy = 0;
  switch( ul_reason_for_call ) {
    _the_orb = CORBA::ORB_init(dummy, NULL, "omniORB2");
    _the_boa = _the_orb->BOA_init(dummy, NULL, "omniORB2_BOA");

  return TRUE;

What happens is this: The first time VB calls a function in the DLL, the ORB
and BOA are initialized all-right, and subsequent Corba calls are OK as
well. When the VB "kode" is finished (I use an Excel macro to test the DLL)
the DllMain function is called with ul_reason_for_call=DLL_PROCESS_DETACH -
which seems OK as well.

Now I simply wait... After 20-30 secconds my VB application (here Excel)
simply goes down - just like that. If I omit the calls to initialize the ORB
and BOA everything works fine!

I have read the notes in CORBA_sysdep.h stating that USE_stub_in_nt_dll
should be defined before including the stub headers (.hh) and I compile the
stub cc files with the macro-option -D_OMNIORB2_STUB_DLL

Any clues as to what might be wrong???

Maybe something should be released or destroyed when DllMain is called with 

Any help will be appreciated!

Best regards,


Ole Storm
The Institute of Applied Computer Science (IFAD)
Forskerparken 10, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark
Phone: +45 6315 7134, Fax: +45 6593 2999, Email: storm@ifad.dk
WWW: http://www.ifad.dk