Port used by OmniORB

Emmanuel Saint-Loubert saintlou@tumbleweed.com
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 17:38:26 -0800

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Beside the Naming Service (omniNames) for which I know how to set the
port at initialization, I am not sure how your implementation deals with
TCP/IP ports.
In other words when 2 CORBA objects talk to each other within OmniORB
which port(s) does it use (and does it use TCP or UDP). Is that
something I can control (since there could be a firewall issue). Any
details would be very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

-- Emmanuel R. Saint-Loubert         saintlou@tumbleweed.com
   Tumbleweed Software Corp.       http://www.tumbleweed.com
   2010 Broadway                            Tel 650-569-3676
   Redwood City, CA 94063                   Fax 650-369-7197

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