C bindings for OmniORB?

Miguel de Icaza miguel@nuclecu.unam.mx
Mon, 12 Jan 1998 13:37:13 -0600

> The most difficult bit will be writing a compiler
> to generate the language stubs from idl I think. However there are a lot
> of idl compilers out there, so we may be able to butcher one to fit our
> needs.

Sun's IDL compiler (the one used and adapted in OmniORB) seems a bit
huge for me.  There are two possibilities: MICO's IDL compiler (which
generates C++ at this point) and the Flick's modular compiler.

The only problem in Flick's compiler is the lack of support for type
Any, but besides this it might be very easy to adapt it to generate
other languages.

The Flick compiler has a very clean separation (process granularity)
between the IDL parser, the code optimizer (go figure what this does)
and the backend code genration engine. 

> If I get time, I'll write up my findings in a short HOWTO type document
> tonight, and then perhaps do some asking around for other people to help
> in the effort on the gnome group tomorrow.

I would appreciate this a lot.  Unfortunatelly, we can not use the ILU
as the license does not allow us to modify the code (which is required
for a GNU project). 
