omniNames: How to unbind naming services

Jan Lessner
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 19:59:20 +0100

Hello omniORB'ers
I just got aware of a nasty problem with omniNames.
I registered one name server at another one with nameclt to set up a
naming service hierarchy. This works fine and was discussed earlier on
this list. But did anyone ever try to remove such a registration later
on? It seems not to be possible at all.

This is what I did:

1. nameclt bind c-lab NameServer <this name server's ior>

2. nameclt list
(c-lab,NameServer) binding type nobject

3. nameclt unbind c-lab NameServer
Error: unbind: can't unbind a naming context.
Use remove_context to remove an empty naming context.

This is wrong!! The naming service is registered as an object, not as a
naming context. Anyway, I tried...

4. nameclt remove_context c-lab NameServer
remove_context: NotEmpty exception

That's right in the sense, that the naming service contains itself now
(see step 1). Lets veryfy that...

5. nameclt list c-lab NameServer
(C-LAB,demo) binding type nobject

Ok, seems to work like a usual context registration, so let's try a

6. nameclt unbind c-lab NameServer c-lab NameServer
unbind: NotFound exception: not context

(muse, muse, muse, muse...)
No idea any more. Anyone else? If so, please let me know.


	Jan Lessner, C-LAB

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