IDL include files

Andreas Küster
Mon, 16 Mar 1998 09:32:32 +0100

Tom Gardner wrote: hello all:

> I would like to create a top level
> IDL file and include a bunch of others.
> This essentially would scope all the
> interfaces that are defined in the
> included idl files under one module.
> For example:
> module mine {
> #include "one.idl"
> #include "two.idl"
> .
> .
> .
> };
> 1. How do I tell the omniORB idl compiler
>       to generate code for included IDL files?
> tomg
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Tom Gardner                      e-mail:
> 21120 Serene Way                 Phone:   (408) 927-6687
> San Jose, CA 95120-1217          Fax:     (408) 927-8864
> --------------------------------------------------------

 I had the same proplem .... i solved it with manual including of the
whoole headerfile in the main idl code... this is not a clean solution
but it works fine ....
If you find a better soloution i would like to know it.

Andreas Kuester
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Informations- und Datenverarbeitung
Aussenstelle fuer Prozessteuerung (FhG IITB EPS)

Zeunerstrasse 38
D-01069 Dresden
email:   privat:
Phone: +49 0351 4640-667   Fax: -613