[omniORB] Naming server problem

Tristan Richardson tjr@orl.co.uk
Tue, 12 May 1998 11:05:28 +0100

> We want to write nobjects in the name service using a post script dictionary
> for the kind string. These strings contain nulls and seem to screw up the
> name servers log files. Does anyone know if embedded CRs in the
> namingcomponent strings is allowed?

OMG IDL doesn't allow nulls in strings, but CRs should be OK.  omniNames
translates these to "\r" when it writes strings out to the log file.  I've
just tried names with CRs here and it works fine.  Can you produce a simple
test case which shows up the problem?



|  Tristan Richardson                 Email:  tjr@orl.co.uk          |
|  ORL                                  Tel:  +44 1223 343000        |
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