[omniORB] VC++ 5: omniORB Mishandling Exceptions! Other errors!

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@orl.co.uk
21 May 1998 20:32:34 +0100

dmorgen@alum.mit.edu (David Morgenlender) writes:

> catior comes up with an ASSERTION failure when I do this.  This is what's
> printed until that point (nothing else is printed if I say to ignore the =
> error):
> 	Type ID: "IDL:Echo:1.0"
> 	Profiles:
> 	1. IIOP 1.0 0 "5b.\........"
> That's not the IP address of the ETS-Kernel box!
> How do I correct that?

The IP address is the loopback interface.
The ORB first uses gethostname() to get the name of the host  and then uses
gethostbyname() to obtain the IP address of the host. It always picks the
first one from the list of addresses returned by gethostbyname().

Usually, /etc/hosts has an entry localhost which resolves to
May be gethostname() on your machine returns "localhost"!

Anyway, you can tell the ORB what address to use directly by specifying
the environment variable OMNIORB_USEHOSTNAME_VAR


Suppose your machine's name is wib:




Dr. Sai-Lai Lo                          |       Research Scientist
E-mail:         S.Lo@orl.co.uk          |       Olivetti & Oracle Research Lab
                                        |       24a Trumpington Street
Tel:            +44 223 343000          |       Cambridge CB2 1QA
Fax:            +44 223 313542          |       ENGLAND