[omniORB] root context

Seong-Gu Kim sgkim@comet.columbia.edu
Thu, 21 May 1998 16:42:12 -0400 (EDT)

I am a student who is working under Professor Andrew Campbell at Columbia

Recently, I am doing a project for binding in mobile networks with
I have a question about COS Naming Service. My network structure is like
this. There are SERVER1 SERVER2 and cLIENT(mobile). CLIENT want to know
about SERVER1's IOR through SERVER2. CLIENT doesn't know about SERVER1's
IOR. I use naming service (eg3_clt.cc and eg3_impl.cc) between SERVER1 and
SERVER2, and between SERVER2 and CLIENT. So in SERVER2, it consistes of
client for SERVER1 and server for CLIENT (mobile). After client for
SERVER1 in SERVER2 getting SERVER1's IOR, client send it to server for
CLIENT (Mobile). And SERVER1 has a server for naming service. In all
connection, they are using the Naming Service. Here, SERVER1 and SERVER2's
client must use same root context and same interface. Also, SERVER2's
server and CLIENT(Mobile) must use same interface(a) and root context(a).
When I test this structure in one computer (same server), it is fine.
Because they need just one naming service deamon. But when I test it
separate place (SERVER1 SERVER2 and CLIENT) in three each computers, there
is a problem. Because between SERVER1 and client in SERVER2, they are
already using root context(a) for naming service, so between CLIENT
(mobile) and server in SERVER2, they can't use root context.  
We can register just one IOR for root context in each sever.
SERVER1 (eg3_impl.cc) SERVER2 (eg3_clt.cc and + eg3_impl.cc) CLIENT
(eg3_clt.cc )
Could you please tell me how I can make root context between CLIENT
(mobile) and server in SERVER2 or get IOR from SERVER1 by using other way?

Thank you.
Seong-Gu Kim                              sgkim@comet.columbia.edu
Wireless Media System                     http://comet.columbia.edu/~sgkim
COMET Group                     
Center for Telecommunications Research    212-586-3678(H)
Columbia University                       212-854-5599(LAB)