[omniORB] How do I use the new extention with host and port to get a nameservice?

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@orl.co.uk
03 Nov 1998 19:13:46 +0000

>>>>> bjornw  writes:

> How do I connect to a nameservice without using the IOR, but rather use
> the host and the port of the server running the actual nameservice?

There is a new feature in omniORB 2.6.x. This is the support of the
bootstrapping agent which is compatiable with JavaIDL.

For instance, if you have omniNames (must be omniORB 2.6.x ) running on
machine wobble and port 1234, you can start eg3_impl as follows:

$ eg3_impl -ORBInitialHost wobble -ORBInitialPort 1234

This feature is documented in the user guide and various read me files.

And yes, you can use the similar command line argument to start a JavaIDL



Dr. Sai-Lai Lo                          |       Research Scientist
E-mail:         S.Lo@orl.co.uk          |       Olivetti & Oracle Research Lab
                                        |       24a Trumpington Street
Tel:            +44 223 343000          |       Cambridge CB2 1QA
Fax:            +44 223 313542          |       ENGLAND