[omniORB] linux/gdb and multithreading
Bob Cotton
24 Nov 1998 09:48:28 -0700
>>>>> "Sai-Lai" == Sai-Lai Lo <S.Lo@orl.co.uk> writes:
Sai-Lai> I've used gdb that comes with Redhat-5.2 successfully
Sai-Lai> after the patch is applied. Its a pity that egcs runtime
Sai-Lai> still cannot give me a stack trace of the exact location
Sai-Lai> of where an uncaught exception is thrown. But at least
Sai-Lai> now we can put a multithreaded process under a debugger!
Hurrah! Thank you very much!
- Bob
Bob Cotton SynXis Corporation bob@synxis.com
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