[omniORB] omniORB & oak ORB

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
29 Apr 1999 09:56:22 +0100

>>>>> Arnault Bonafos writes:

> Does someone has tried to interoperate omniORB with oak ORB ?
> I've an echo example which works only when oak ORB is client but not
> server.
> They say that they have achieved interoperability with VisiBroker and
> Orbix C++.

If I am to bet, I would say oak ORB cannot handle GIOP LocateRequest.
If you want to verify if this is the case, comment out the call to
assertObjectExistent() in <2.7.1>/src/lib/omniORB2/orbcore/proxyCall.cc and

By the way, what is oak ORB? 


P.S. I'm a bit tired of sorting out all these interoperability problems
     where it is often the case that the other party does not fully
     implement GIOP 1.0 spec. I just had a similar experience yesterday with
     an external test suite I'm running omniORB2 against.

Sai-Lai Lo                                   S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
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