[omniORB] RE: compiling omniORB2 on 2.8.1

Eric Raskin ehr@listworks.com
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 09:36:28 -0400

Hello again.

Thanks to all who replied.  Doug Anderson's advice
about -fno-implicit-templates did not help, unfortunately.  So, I'll take
everyone's advice and try egcs.  Since the news here is that gcc exceptions
aren't thread safe, this build error was probably a good thing :-) !

When complete, I'll send along a platform make file for DG/UX Intel R4.20
(in case some other brave soul can use it..)  Does anyone have any porting
advice of their own, like specific things to look out for or sample programs
(other than those already distributed) that will help to confirm that my
port is working?


Eric H. Raskin                                 Voice: 914-769-7100 x321
President, CSC Division                   Fax:    914-769-8070
The Listworks Corp.                         E-Mail: ehr@listworks.com
1 Campus Drive
Pleasantville, NY 10570