[omniORB] OmniORB behaviour with firewalls

Rusty Carruth c1040@azfms.com
Fri, 13 Aug 1999 06:36:41 -0700 (MST)

> 	We meet currently a problem probably caused by a firewall.
> Here is the architecture:
> ----------                          ----------
> Component1| <----> Firewall <----> |Component2
> ----------                          ----------
> 	The firewall has been configured to allow Corba
> communications. However... the firewall will cut (disconnect) socket
> connection based on a timeout (5 or 6 minutes). The timeout is not
> based on an activity status... but on a life time of the socket.

You've GOT to be kidding!  5 or 6 minutes????  regardless of
activity????  Do you have a t3 line to the internet so that
all ftp transfers can happen in under 5 minutes???  Or does
your company not allow ftp transfers?  Yikes, I'm speechless!
Or is the only access allowed SMALL web pages?  I'm dumbfounded.

(I find it absolutely amazing that anyone would configure
a firewall this way, and in fact that it would be POSSIBLE
to do so.  So amazing that I probably am not replying in the
most effective way - but I'm just speechless!  So I apologize
for my flabbergastedness!)


rusty@azfms.com		rustyc@inficad.com	rusty@descomp.com

(If this message is short, then its not meant to be curt,
its meant to be quick.  If its long, well, sorry about
that ;-)