[omniORB] gcc 2.95 compiler warning

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
20 Aug 1999 11:04:26 +0100

I'm using gcc-2.95 and have seen similar warning. I think it is a bug in
the compiler but does not do any harm.

As for the compilation speed, my observation is that all the latest C++
compilers are very slow. gcc-2.95 and Sun C++ v5.0 are extremely slow and
memory hungry doing optimisation. This is not a specific problem with
omniORB. I guess we do have to live with this until the compiler vendors
get their acts together to address this problem.

As for the object code size, it is still not clear to me why the object
code is so large. The requirement of the mapping restrict us on what we can
do to reduce the stub size. There may be scope to do something about this
but it is not a priority task. 

At times, it is tempting to throw away the OMG C++ mapping and all its
compromises and redo it to make full use of the standard C++ features. Who
knows, may be we'll do that some day.


Sai-Lai Lo                                   S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
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