[omniORB] 2.7.0 interoperability report: OIS ORBexpress 2.0
Oliver M. Kellogg
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 14:49:36 +0100
I have just demonstrated client and server side interoperability
of omniORB_2.7.0 with Object Interface Systems' ORBexpress/Ada95
version 2.0.
Here is what I did:
* Rewrote eg3_impl and eg3_clt in Ada95.
* Translated the omniORB2 supplied Naming.idl using OIS' idl2ada
to obtain an Ada proxy call interface for omniORB's CosNaming
* Started omniNames and the C++ eg3_impl on a DEC AlphaStation,
then started the Ada eg3_clt on a remote SPARCstation, passing
the NS IOR on the command line. eg3_clt output as expected.
* Started the Ada eg3_impl on the Sun, passing in the IOR of the
remote name server on the Alpha. Then started the C++ eg3_clt
on the Alpha. Output as expected.
Hope this might be of interest,
O. Kellogg
DaimlerChrysler Aerospace
Sensor Systems, Dept. VE3SW5
D-89070 Ulm, Germany
phone: (+49) 731 392-7138
fax: (+49) 731 392-4255
e-mail: Oliver.Kellogg@vs.dasa.de