[omniORB] Oddities in debugging OmniOrb programs

Judy Anderson yduj@harlequin.com
Wed, 24 Feb 99 18:48:25 EST

Thank you all for your suggestions -- the solution actually turned out
to be something entirely different, and I thought I would share that,
and make a different complaint about debugging.

The problem turned out to be that there was some uninitialized memory
that was being accessed.  The reason that turning debugging on made
the problem go away is that one of the debugging functions side effect
was to initialize this particular piece of memory.  I eventually
figure out what was going on while single stepping through the code.

Interestingly, when I got to the uninitialized memory access, and
clicked "step over", a little pop-up with "thread has exited"
appeared.  This has happened before: when I do something wrong in my
program, I would normally expect it to fall over with the usual
Microsoft "clicked okay to exit, cancel to debug" pop-up, but instead,
when I am running at an OmniOrb program, the thread that is servicing
the client request simply exits, and the client receives a
communication failure exception.  It would be a lot more helpful if I
could get into the debugger and possibly see what exactly the failure
is (what memory location is being accessed, e.g.), rather than having
this sort of odd silent failure behavior, and having to single step,
and then guess what went wrong when the thread exits.

Could it be something about how I have compiled/linked OmniOrb with my
program?  Does this happen to other people?

					Judy Anderson "yduJ"