[omniORB] Re: Connection Handler

Myles Penlington myles@ams.co.nz
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 17:21:12 +1300

A minor improvement on this is to borrow the concept of a watch dog =
timer from real time embedded systems. So only ping the clients if the =
timer expires.

How the timer is reset for each session object is the tricky part.=20

The simplest method would be to add code for each CORBA method on the =
server side object. eg ResetSessionTimer, i.e So whenever a call is made =
to a method on the server side object, the sever side method resets the =
watch dog timer for the session object from the originating session.

Other variations could be to change the ping frequency/timer expiry =
period, depending on the operations in progress.

Myles Penlington.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Armen Yampolsky [SMTP:ayampolsky@erols.com]
Sent:	Thursday, January 07, 1999 4:40 PM
To:	omniorb-list@orl.co.uk
Subject:	[omniORB] Re: Connection Handler

Thanks, my understanding is much clearer now. I will begin to implement =
session-based evictor, and will write a thread that checks clients. I =
wanted to
minimize client pings, but I guess it will not result in too much =

Thank you for this clear explanation.
