[omniORB] Omnithread bug

Theo Aukerman taukerman@logici.com
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 08:36:09 -0700

I'm using the omniORB 2.7.1 distribution on NT, and would like to thank you
for producing a such fine CORBA implementation.

I do think I have found a bug in the omnithread library, however.

I found that when I wanted to use omni_condition::timedwait() to wait for a
time 500 miliseconds in the future (abs time = current time + 500ms), I
would (about half the time) get a longer wait (on the order of a few

The following code in omni_condition::timedwait appears to have caused the
___________________nt.cc line 231___________________
    DWORD timeout = (abs_sec-now_sec) * 1000 + (abs_nsec-now_nsec) /

    if ((abs_sec <= now_sec) && ((abs_sec < now_sec) || (abs_nsec <
	timeout = 0;

__________________end nt.cc line 231________________

In my circumstance, about half the time, abs_sec - now_sec == 1.  When that
happens, now_nsec is greater than abs_nsec, forcing a wrap of the 32 bit
value resulting in about 4 seconds being added to the timeout value.

Also, is it safe to set the timeout to 0 if the time has elapsed?  While I
have been debugging, I have needed to put a breakpoint at the
WaitForSingleObject() call, and manually change the timeout to keep the wait
from waiting forever.

Thanks in advance,

Theo Aukerman

P.S. I've posted this to the mailing list because when I searched, I found
other people asking about timedwait().  Perhaps this will help them as well.