[omniORB] Installation of omniORB_2.7.1

Smith, Norman Norman_Smith@bmc.com
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 16:15:25 -0500

I was also getting the same errors as "youzhoung liu", but am using Solaris
2.5 instead of 2.7. I rebuilt the omniORB2 libraries from scratch, but now
get the following build error when attempting to build "echo" example under
SunOS 5.5.1:

eg1.o ../../../stub/echoSK.o ../../../stub/echoDynSK.o -lomniORB2
-lomniDynamic2 -lomnithread -lpthread -lposix4 -mt -lsocket -lnsl
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to eg1


Supporting data:

- Noticed that the makefile appeared to use a combination of gcc and CC, so
modified distribution version of 
  <top dir>/mk/platforms/sun4_sosV_5.5.mk to build using only native
  Uncommented the following lines:
    CC                = cc
    CMAKEDEPEND       = $(TOP)/$(BINDIR)/omkdepend
    CDEBUGFLAGS       = -O
    COPTIONS   =
    CLINK             = $(CC)

  Commented out the following lines:
    #CC                = gcc
    #CMAKEDEPEND       = $(TOP)/$(BINDIR)/omkdepend -D__GNUC__
    #CDEBUGFLAGS       = -O
    #COPTIONS   = -fpcc-struct-return

    #CLINK             = $(CC)

- Rebuilt all OmniORB2 libraries using "make export" command while in <top
- Following warnings are emitted by compiler during libomniORB2 build which
may be related:

CC -c -O2 -fsimple   -DUsePthread -D_REENTRANT -mt -I. -I./..
-DUSE_omniORB_logStream -D_OMNIORB2_LIBRARY -DUnixArchitecture
-DCONFIG_DEFAULT_LOCATION=\"/etc/omniORB.cfg\" -I.  -I../../../../include
-D__sparc__ -D__sunos__ -D__OSVERSION__=5 -o tcpSocketMTfactory.o
"tcpSocketMTfactory.cc", line 905: Warning (Anachronism): Formal argument 1
of type void(*)() in call to set_terminate(void(*)()) is being passed extern
"C" void(*)().
"tcpSocketMTfactory.cc", line 1110: Warning (Anachronism): Formal argument 1
of type void(*)() in call to set_terminate(void(*)()) is being passed extern
"C" void(*)().
2 Warning(s) detected.