[omniORB] Is this doable

Bing Zhang bzhang@sohar.com
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 11:51:53 -0800


I modified a little bit of echo example to as following:

class Echo_i : public virtual _sk_Echo {
  Echo_i() {}
  virtual ~Echo_i() {}
  virtual char * echoString(const char *mesg);  //defined in idl
  virtual void testit();  // not defined in idl
void Echo_i::testit() {
	cerr << "Sleeping  -----" << endl;

typedef void (Echo_i::*SpMType1)();

struct CTstruct {
    SpMType M;
	Echo_i* O;

void SpMWrapper(void* pCTparam) {
    Echo_i* my_O = ((CTstruct*)pCTparam)->O;
    SpMType1 my_M = ((CTstruct*)pCTparam)->M;
    while(true) {

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  CORBA::ORB_ptr orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc,argv,"omniORB2");
  CORBA::BOA_ptr boa = orb->BOA_init(argc,argv,"omniORB2_BOA");

  struct CTstruct par;
  Echo_i *myobj = new Echo_i();
  par.O = myobj;
  par.M = Echo_i::testit;
  HANDLE hThread_TMOM = CreateThread(NULL,
    if(hThread_TMOM == NULL) {
		cerr << "TMOM thread cannot be created\n";

Everything works fine. method testit() in future will be used to
perodically update a CORBA object internal state.

Now we want to enable the thread to run any CORBA object's member method (
as long as the member method do not return anytion and take no parameters),
we modify part of the code as

typedef void (CORBA::Object::*SpMType)();

struct CTstruct {
    SpMType M;
	CORBA::Object* O;

void SpMWrapper(void* pCTparam) {
    CORBA::Object* my_O = ((CTstruct*)pCTparam)->O;
    SpMType my_M = ((CTstruct*)pCTparam)->M;
    while(true) {

The main function is same. But the compiler complains the statement:
par.M = Echo_i::testit;
error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'void (Echo_i::*)(void)' to 'void
                                   Types pointed to are unrelated;
conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
Error executing cl.exe.

How could we get around of this? If it is not possible, any other method so
that we could achieve our goal?

