[omniORB] Invalid symbol

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
12 Mar 1999 10:52:58 +0000


We used to have omnithread running on the MIT threads package (in the
pre-linuxthread days). There is some support for it as you can see from the
code and the CPP defines in i586_linux_2.0.mk.

I think MIT thread package is almost Draft level 8 but not completely.
That would explain the absence of PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED.

In the final standard and all draft versions except draft 8, the default
behaviour of pthread_create is to create a thread in non-detached state.
In draft 8, the behaviour is reversed unless the detach state attribute is
set otherwise. Hence the reason for that call in the posix.cc.

So to answer your question, please look up MIT thread package to see what
is their default thread create behaviour. I think it is not the draft 8


>>>>> erik ivanenko writes:

> During the compilation of <top>/src/lib/omnithread/posix.cc, I get an
> error claiming that PTHREAD_CREATE_UNDETACHED is not a defined symbol.
> This is so.  Nowhere in the MIT threads package ( or the latest
> pmpthreads ) is there such a symbol.  The code section that uses the
> symbol is compiled ONLY when the Draft level = 8.  I am assuming that is
> correct for MIT threads.

> However, there is a PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED symbol that I am using
> instead....

> Is that ok?

Sai-Lai Lo                                   S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
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