[omniORB] Object Reference Rules

Armen Yampolsky ayampolsky@erols.com
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 17:57:53 +0000


Apologies if this question is not entirely omniORB-specific. I am trying
to figure out the correct way of passing an object reference from server
to client and back again. A simple example IDL would look as follows:

interface SimpleObject {
    attribute long count;
    void kill();    // counterpart to ObjFactory::createObj(), clears
server resources.

interface ObjectHolder {
    void put(in SimpleObject obj);
    SimpleObject get();

interface ObjFactory {
    SimpleObject createObj();

Now what I want to do is the following:
(1) receive ref to a newly instantiated SimpleObject via
(2) put it into the ObjectHolder on the server.
(3) get it from the ObjectHolder.
(4) alter its attribute.
(5) put it back in the ObjectHolder.
(6) repeat 3-5 as much as I want.

Instantiation via ObjFactory::createObj() works fine, we call
_obj_is_ready and _this as required by the spec. Modifying the object
reference's attribute on the client works fine. SimpleObject::kill()
calls _dispose(), and this works correctly as usual. Putting the
SimpleObject into the ObjectHolder seems to work fine as well. But
here's where the questions arise. In ObjectHolder::get() we can not call
_this() on the object prior to returning it, as it is now recognized by
the ObjectHolder as a SimpleObject_ptr, which does not have a _this()
method. We tried calling _duplicate in the ObjectHolder::put(), but this
leaks memory. We then tried adding a CORBA::release() on the new
duplicate, but then got OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception on the client. What
is the correct way to implement these methods (ObjecHolder::put and

Note: Client is in Java, server is omniORB2.7.1 on Solaris 2.6.


Armen Yampolsky
Axiom Software Labs
New York