[omniORB] omniORB licensing: Too strict for real life?

dcmay@object-workshops.com dcmay@object-workshops.com
Tue, 25 May 1999 16:21:33 -0400


It sounds like you can load at least one shared library with your OS -
otherwise, omniORB can't work for you at all! If you can load one shared
library, then is it possible for you to merge the naming service with the
omniORB libraries, so that they are combined into a single library? Then you
can simply distribute omniORB/omniNames as a modified GPL work, rather than
your entire application.


> David Riddoch wrote:
> > OmniNames is distributed under the GPL.  This means that
> any derivative
> > work must be GPLed.  If any of the code is incorporated into another
> > program, then that program must be GPLed.
> If omniNames will be build as a shared library (with source code
> provided to the public), will it be possible for a software
> (which make
> use of such shared library omniNames) to be commercial? Can ORL change
> omniNames license to LGPL in that case?