[omniORB] strange INV_OBJREF
Rob Cecil
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 13:08:33 -0500
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I have a shutdown() method as part of a server implementation:
which also invokes impl_shutdown() on the Boa using a separate thread, per David Riddoch's
method suggestion.
However, the client that is invoking the shutdown request gets a INV_OBJREF exception upon
invoking this method.
Funny thing is, if I change
delete rootGroup_;
It works fine. Now, this goes against the rule that server object implementations that
are created with "new" should be _dispose()'d, and not deleted. So I am not comfortable
with this solution.
It seems that the obj reference is OK in this context, because the client was able to
issue a method call to the server a previous to the shutdown() using the same reference,
without problems.
| Rob Cecil | Senior Development Engineer |
| rceci@adams.com | Product Development |
| (734) 913-9351 | Mechanical Dynamics, Inc. (www.adams.com) |
Modern Quantum Physics has found that the universe is composed of
25% protons, 15% electrons, 15% neutrons, and 45% morons.
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<p>I have a shutdown() method as part of a server implementation:
<br> rootGroup_->_dispose();
<br> ...
<p>which also invokes impl_shutdown() on the Boa using a separate
thread, per David Riddoch's method suggestion.
<p>However, the client that is invoking the shutdown request gets a INV_OBJREF exception
upon invoking this method.
<br>Funny thing is, if I change
<p>delete rootGroup_;
<p>It works fine. Now, this goes against the rule that server object
implementations that are created with "new" should be _dispose()'d,
and not deleted. So I am not comfortable with this solution.
<br>It seems that the obj reference is OK in this context, because
the client was able to issue a method call to the server a previous to
the shutdown() using the same reference, without problems.
| Rob Cecil | Senior Development Engineer |
| rceci@adams.com | Product Development |
| (734) 913-9351 | Mechanical Dynamics, Inc. (www.adams.com) |
Modern Quantum Physics has found that the universe is composed of
25% protons, 15% electrons, 15% neutrons, and 45% morons.</pre>