[omniORB] out parameter does not change

Bünyamin Altıntaş bunyamin_altintas@yahoo.com
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 00:28:13 -0700 (PDT)

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I have a problem. I send IDL and object implementation
as an attachment. Briefly, my problem is as follows:

out parameter is coming to client side without
changing. But this happens if client and server
programs run in different machines. In the same
machine, this does not happen.
platform [NT4.0 ServicePack 5]


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Content-Type: text/plain; name="object.txt"
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// idl
interface Vknma {
	long exec (in string mukType, in string opCode, in string inPar, out string outPar) raises (VknmaErr);
	long exec2 (in string mukType, in string opCode, in string inPar, out string outPar);

// object implementation
CORBA::Long Vknma_i::exec(const char*  mukType,const char*  opCode, const char*  inPar, char*& outPar) {
	RWCString rwMukType = mukType, rwOpCode = opCode;
	int tmpMuktype, tmpOpCode;
	RWCString	result;

	Parameters	parVec;

	if ((tmpMuktype = determineMukType (rwMukType)) == UNDEFMUKTYPE) {
		throw VknmaErr ("VKNMA", __FILE__, __LINE__, "Tanımsız Mükellef tipi", 10, 99);

	if ((tmpOpCode = determineOpCode (rwOpCode)) == UNDEFOPCODE) {
		throw VknmaErr ("VKNMA", __FILE__, __LINE__, "Tanımsız OpCode", 11, 99);

	try {
		checkIfMukTypeAndOpCodeUyumlu (tmpMuktype, tmpOpCode);
	catch (VknmaErr& ex) {

	// Now parse parameters
	try {
		parseIPar (inPar, parVec);
	catch (VknmaErr& ex) {

	CORBA::String_var dd = (const char*) "4444444444";

	try {
		dispatch (tmpMuktype, tmpOpCode, parVec);
	catch (VknmaErr& ex) {
	outPar = dd;
	return 1;
