[omniORB] oneway method (bug?)

Jean-Francois Tremblay Jean-Francois.Tremblay@discreet.com
Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:17:10 -0400


running on IRIX 6.5.4, IDO 7.2.1, omniORB2.7.1 I have the following

If I use an object reference and that I wait so the underlying
connection times out before reusing the object reference, then,
afterwards I can no longer method declares as "oneway" the other method
are fine and the connection is transparently reinitiated, however the
oneway method no longer work. I've tried with several oneway method none
still work if I let the connection times out.

So is it a bug or a feature of Corba that I don't understand?

Thank you for any help!

Jean-Francois Tremblay*              |  Discreet*
Software Developer                   |  a division of Autodesk
Tel: (514) 954-7310                  |  10 Duke Street
Fax: (514) 393-1266                  |  Montreal (QC), Canada, H3C 2L7
mailto: jean-francoist@discreet.com  |  http://www.discreet.com