[omniORB] proxy-factory and memory-leak
Peter Bauer
Sat, 16 Oct 1999 23:24:18 -0400
When implementing a proxy-factory, which takes care not to create
multiple local proxy objects for one remote object, it seems,
that if the factory chooses not to create a new proxy but to
return an already exitsting one (due to match in rope and key), =
the passed key and profile must be deleted to avoid a memory leak?
(at least if last arg (release) is true) =
(if the factory would decide to create a new proxy, the ownership =
of key and profile would be passed to the new omniObject, which =
then would delete them at destruction time too)
If the above is correct, I think a corresponding note should be =
made in chapter "8.2.3 Further Considerations" of the omniORB-
Manual (2.8.0) (...I love memory-leaks)
Gruss Peter Bauer