[omniORB] multiple omniNames instances

Bruce Visscher visschb@rjrt.com
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:17:52 -0400


I need to understand what you are asking a little better.  Are you
asking whether you can have different threads within the same process
using different omniNames servers?  If that is the question then, I
think the answer to that is no (at least under the current (2.8.0)
implementation of omniORB).  CORBA::ORB_init is a (process) global
initialization.  Once you call it (from any thread) calling it again
from the same or different thread has no effect.

One solution would be to run each client that needs a different name
service in a seperate process.

Another solution would be to register each name service with the other. 
This is accomplished by binding the IOR of the omniNames server (I think
you use bind_context, not bind) with the other.  I just tried this

	nameclt -advanced bind_context foo.names IOR:...

and it seems to work.  Now the directory tree of the other nameserver is
visible via:

	nameclt list foo.names

Now, how you keep these IORs in synch is another matter.


Bruce Visscher

Jonathan Gallmeier wrote:
> I don't know if what I am trying is legal... could someone let me know?
> I have two machines, each running a copy of omniNames. I have a client
> on one machine
> that needs to be able to communicate with a server on another machine.
> This client
> is running in its own thread. At the client's thread startup, I fake the
> command line
> arguements with a local char *argv[] array that I fill with
> -ORBInitialHost machine.domain
> and -ORBInitialPort 12345. I then go ahead and call ORB_init(...) with
> the expectation
> that the local copy of the naming service will be ignored, and the
> naming service on the
> other machine will be accessed.
> what appears to happen is that the local copy of the naming service is
> accessed, even though
> I am trying to explicitely use the other machine.
> Is this legal corba? Any explanation as to why this does not work?
> I actually have a good reason why I want to run omniNames on each
> machine... and yes, my code
> runs fine when the client and server are running on one machine, or when
> only one naming service
> is used.
> any help would be appreciated. thanks.
> jonathan
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jonathan Gallmeier                | We act a though comfort and luxury
> were
> email : jonathan@arlut.utexas.edu | chief ingredients of happiness, when
> all
> office: (512) 835-3812            | we really wanted was something to be
> FAX   : (512) 835-3808            | excited about. - Anonymous
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------