[Fwd: [omniORB] Patch for Sun WS 5.0 compiler ...]

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
19 Apr 2000 10:37:52 +0100

>>>>> Robert Jonsson writes:

> I'm sorry if I was unclear, 64-bit has never been an option for us, it was strictly
> 32-bit.

It should be quite strict forward to make omniORB to run in 64-bit mode
(assuming that the compiler is not buggy). Here are what needs to be done:

1. Find out the compiler switches to instruct the compiler to compile in 64
   bit mode. Add those switches to the <platform>.mk file in
   <top>/mk/platforms/. Assign the switches to the make variables
   CXXOPTIONS (and likewise for C programs COPTIONS).

2. Edit <top>/include/CORBA_sysdep.h to define the CPP macro:

   The default value is 4 for all three macros.

   Locate the section within CORBA_sysdep.h which is dedicated to the Sun
   compiler (try searching for __SUNPRO_CC). Inside that #ifdef block add the
   defines for the SIZEOF macros. You should also find out if there is any
   compiler defined macros that you can test here to determine which mode
   the compiler is in.

Thats it. Good luck.


Sai-Lai Lo                                   S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
AT&T Laboratories Cambridge           WWW:   http://www.uk.research.att.com 
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