[omniORB] IDL documentation tool

Stefan Seefeld seefelds@MAGELLAN.UMontreal.CA
Fri, 04 Aug 2000 00:00:25 -0400

dear omniORB'ers,

I just released version 0.1 of the synopsis tool, which
is a source code documentation tool.

The reason I'm announcing that here is that it currently
supports IDL to HTML translation and it uses omniidl as
its IDL parser frontend.

It is released under GPL, you find it at


and an example output (the online docs of berlin's IDL
interfaces) at


The synopsis tool uses - much in the spirit of omniidl -
a modular approach. You can plug in different parsers
(so you can parse different languages) and different
Formatters. One other popular formatter could for example
produce docbook XML.

Best regards,	Stefan
Stefan Seefeld
Departement de Physique
Universite de Montreal
email: seefelds@magellan.umontreal.ca


      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...