[omniORB] Linking in a .so file into omniORB_280

Fred Cook fcook@accesscom.com
Fri, 11 Feb 2000 13:56:01 -0800

Hi all,

We have a .so file (Proc.so) that we would like to link into an omniORB2
app.  This is the make file we are using.=20

CXXSRCS =3D COS.cc	COSServerImpl.cc COSServerSK.cc AmendThread.cc \
		CloseThread.cc CreateMessageThread.cc GetMessageDetailThread.cc \=09

#CXXFLAGS +=3D -I /export/oracle/product/8.1.5/precomp/public

#PROC_LIB :=3D /export/oracle/product/8.1.5/lib/libsql8.a
#PROC_LIB :=3D /export/oracle/product/8.1.5/precomp/lib/libproc2.a
PROC_LIB :=3D Proc.so=20

COS	=3D $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),COS)
COSServer =3D $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),COSServerImpl)
COSServerSK =3D $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),COSServerSK)
AmendTread =3D $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),AmendThread)
CloseThread =3D $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),CloseThread)
CreateMessageThread =3D $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),CreateMessageThread)
GetMessageDetailsThread =3D $(patsubst
ReAssignThread =3D $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),ReAssignThread)=20
all:: $(COS)

	$(RM) $(COS)=20

export:: $(COS) =20
	@(module=3D"COS"; $(COSExecutable))

$(COS): COS.o COSServerImpl.o COSServerSK.o AmendThread.o CloseThread.o
CreateMessageThread.o GetMessageDetailsThread.o ReAssignThread.o \
		@(libs=3D"$(CORBA_LIB) $(PROC_LIB)";$(CXXExecutable))

This make file generates the linker error "Undefined reference to=85" IE
it is trying to link in at compile time, a reference to a function that
resides in the shared object.  How do we tell it to link at run time?

Env =3D  Red hat 6.1, omniORB_280, GCC 2.95.1.

Thank  you
Fred Cook