[omniORB] Porting omniorb to an ebcdic machine (OS 390 unix)
Mon, 21 Feb 2000 12:22:18 -0600
Yes, it is a coincidence! I am actually porting to the AS/400. It sounds as
though we will have to solve the same problems.
Thanks for the start,
Paul S. Halverson
(507) 253-5658 (Tie) 553-5658
Sai-Lai Lo <S.Lo@uk.research.att.com> on 02/21/2000 10:36:01 AM
To: Hoovey Halverson/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS, Jacques Progin <jpr@wag.ch>
cc: omniorb-list@uk.research.att.com
Subject: Re: [omniORB] Porting omniorb to an ebcdic machine (OS 390 unix)
Is it a coincidence that you and Jacques both work on the IBM port? This is
email is also an answer to Jacques earlier query.
Jacques has sent me a snapshot of his port to OS/390 unix subsystem. As far
as he can tell, it works well communicating between EDCDIC machines. I've
put the tar-ball in
He also have the problem of converting EBCDIC to ASCII and vice versa.
As I've told Jacques, I think the best way to tackle the problem is to
convert between ASCII and EBCDIC in the marshalling code.
The work requires going into the idl compiler to modify the generated code
for string and char plus some changes to the runtime.
1. For string, the marshalling code is in:
a) src/lib/omniORB2/orbcore/corbaString.cc
- the marshalling operators for _CORBA_String_member,
b) src/tool/omniidl2/omniORB2_be/o2be_operation.cc
- the code bit that generate marshalling code for string:
All the case branch that deals with type tString has to be
2. For char, this is more problematic because the CORBA char is the same
type in C++ mapping with CORBA octet and may be CORBA boolean. There is
just one set of marshalling operators for the three. Now you have to
distinguish the Char case from the other 2. I think you should be able
to isolate all Char marshalling code in the few functions inside
o2be_operation.cc as listed for string above.
sequence of char is another problem because we implemented this using
sequence template _CORBA_Unbounded_Sequence_w_FixSizeElement and
These templates have fast marshalling operators that you also want to
change to include your conversion routine if it is a sequence of char.
I suggest you create 2 new template class
and its bounded equivalent, similar to the existing ones for boolean and
octet (e.g. _CORBA_Unbounded_Sequence__Boolean).
You then have to modify the IDL compiler to generate stub to use the new
classes. The relevant file is
The same applies to sequence<array of char>. I.e. you have to create
specialisation template for this type.
(Would be nice if we can just use template specialisation but we can't
because not all compilers support it.)
3. The marshalling code for object reference has to be changed.
There are 2 parts that needs changing:
a) The repository ID string
Change this in src/lib/omniORB2/orbcore/objectRef.cc:
marshalObjRef, UnMarshalObjRef, AlignedObjRef.
Remember like all marshalling code there is a NetBufferedStream
version and a MemBufferedStream version.
b) The host address field in the IIOP profile.
Change this in src/lib/omniORB2/orbcore/tcpSocket.cc
decodeIOPprofile, encodeIOPprofile.
This should also take care of stringified IORs.
4. The relevant bits in src/lib/omniORB2/orbcore/giopServer.cc and
giopClient.cc have to be changed to make the necessary conversion when
the strings in the GIOP request header is marshalled. At least 2 fields
in the header have to be converted:
a) the first 4 chars 'G' 'I' 'O' 'P'
b) the operation name.
5. If you use the tcpwrapper gatekeeper, its code has to be changed to do
the conversion.
6. Typecode.
The marshalling of repository ID, member name and other string members
in a typecode. I think the modification above would look after this but
you want to do some testing to make sure this is the case.
There may well be other places that needs changing. This is just a list of
what I can think of at the moment.
>>>>> hoovey writes:
> I am porting omniorb 2.8 to an EBCDIC platform. I have the echo examples
> all running on an EBCDIC machine and I am now going to try and tackle
> getting character conversions to work so that it complies with CORBA and
> can be used with ASCII machines. I believe there are following pieces
> to be changed:
> 1) On the get/put of data so that data being passed is passed in ASCII
> 2) Parts of the code do comparisons against character data, I will need
> find these an ensure they are considered ASCII hex data comparisons
> 3) The nameserver omniNames needs the IOR information in ASCII??
> 4) Remote procedure calls are in ASCII??
> Does anyone have any hints as to the best place to try and add the
> conversions for get/put? I am afraid I can't put it in the
> align_and_xxx_bytes routines because it may be used for more than just
> places I need conversions to occur.
> Do these seem like the right changes that need to be made? Can you think
> any others I should be aware of?
> I will admit I am very new to CORBA and omniORB, so any help would be
> great!
> Thanks,
> Paul S. Halverson
> (507) 253-5658 (Tie) 553-5658
> hoovey@us.ibm.com
Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
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