[omniORB] A new/remove (lifecycle?) question

Bruce Cameron cameron.bruce@mayo.edu
Tue, 04 Jan 2000 08:40:00 -0600

Perhaps someone can help me (or tell me why I can't) do the 
following using omniORB:

I've 2 classes "A" & "B":

interface A {   // the essence of A
  long getID ();
  void addB  (in B ptr);
  void remove ();

interface B {   // the essence of B 
  long getID ();
  void remove ();

These are created by a factory:

interface factory {
  A new_A ();
  B new_B ();

Class A's remove method is implemented so that if there
are any Bs added to this A, each B's remove() is called
before disposing of A. The addB method is:

void A::addB (B_ptr ptr) {
  arrayOfB_ptr[index] = ptr;

While the client can create/remove As and Bs alone till
the cows come home, the following kills off the client:

CORBA::Object_var obj = factory->new_A();
A_var aClass = A::_narrow(obj);

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  obj = factory->new_B();
  B_var bClass = B::_narrow(obj);


obj = factory->new_A();
aClass = A::_narrow(obj);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  obj = factory->new_B();  // <============ dies here
  B_var bClass = B::_narrow(obj);


I know there's a bug in my logic somewhere. Do I have
to use a lifecycle move() when adding Bs to A? Does the
client have to maintain object relationships rather
than doing it on the server side?

Thanks in advance.