[omniORB] Exception IDL:omg.org/CORBA/MARSHAL

jlajuria@fatronik.com jlajuria@fatronik.com
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:27:25 +0100

Dear list members,

Trying to send a message to a server I get the exception 
mentioned in the subject ().

Following code execution with MSVC++6 dbg (omniORB 2.8) , it 
comes from the following point:
void OmniProxyCallWrapper::invoke(omniObject* o, 
OmniProxyCallDesc& call_desc)


	------> ::ReceiveReply
			CORBA::ULong rc;
			rc <<=3D *this;
			switch (rc) {

				... Exception is caught

I have no idea about how to solve it. I retry three times to send the 
message to the server but it does not work any of the times.
As I see that it comes from IDL:..., perhaps it could help to say 
that the server=B4s method is as follows:

void a_Method(in string ID,inout Data data_in),

where Data is a complex struct of unions and sequences of structs.

Thank you very much.

Jos=E9 Luis Ajuria